Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre...5 lands?

On the coast, there are five little cities, each with a distinct character. You can hike from city to city, but i think we took the train.
We actually had to take like a million different things to get to Cinque Terre. Its NOT that simple. We went for the day, left at like 4am to catch the train...but it was amazing!

The cities are.


We walked around.

swam all afternoon!

ate at this restaurant at the top of the hill.
thats bekah the mermaid!

the rocks were slippery with moss...and i was standing on them and i'd constantly slip off. i also got bitten by something called a fish frog? or something, but it left me a little splinter in my toe which sara dug out with the back of her earring..thats when i knew she loved me!

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