Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I haven't blogged in a while...Mostly because I'm totally lame at taking pictures and I always intend to, but never do!

Anywhoo....That's one of my new year's resolutions...blog more.

This past weekend was one of the best weekends EVER! On Friday, we went to D-Land (will post pics). Saturday, I met my "little sis" of the "Big Brothers Big Sisters" organization and on Sunday, I went to trapeze lessons with my real "little sis" and also had a holiday dinner at home!

I will post pictures asap because frankly, the trapeze lesson pictures are too amazing NOT to share! Just a taste...
I have to steal the jump drive from my sister to get more of the pictures, but yes, that is me. It was my Christmas present to my sister (and myself) and it was totally worth it! If you're interested in going, the website is flytrapeze.com and the guy, Richie Gaona was formerly a circus performer and now has this crazy, intensely awesome setup in his back yard in Woodland Hills. Gah, anyway, more about that when I have pictures!

I basically just wanted to write something, just to write something...and marvel at my awesome accomplishments this weekend.

1. got on a trapeze
2. roasted a WHOLE chicken perfectly!
3. enrolled myself in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program and sucessfully acquired myself a "Little Sister."
4. finished Christmas shopping and wrapping over 30 presents. (I can't really count how many, it takes too much effort)

More to come later!