Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm not dead...Halloween!

Just been lazy and contemplating a new bloggy because I got an iphone and its vurry fun to bloggy on tumblr. This is what I


Check it out..even downtown LA got dressed up for New York City!

Please note the yellow taxi that says "NYC TAXI." This is actually a staple in downtown...dressing up as NYC. It's pretty cute. The other day I found a sign that said something about a snow path! Obviously, snow does NOT happen in Los Angeles!

At work, we dressed up as the cast of Mad Men. My most fave current tv show.

This is how I decorated my cubicle.

Dave is actually born on Halloween, so we went out that night to celebrate his THIRTIETH birthday with his fam bam. And...because I was too lazy to find another costume, I made him dress up as Don Draper from Mad Men.

Some of my favorite costumes of the night....

Where's Waldo.

and Beeker.

And in other news, I turned 26. Got depressed about it. Got an iPhone and got over it.

I'm still pretty elated about Obama winning. Although, I'm sad about Prop. 8 not passing in California. =(

Hopefully it will be overturned again.

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