Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Going off to London Town

I'm going to London tomorrow, and I'm beside myself with excitement (please read this entire blog with a british accent in your head). Special shout out thank you to all the peeps who have prepared packets for me with things to do!

Other things in the works: Dave moving in...that's actually this gigantic mess that I'm turning a blind eye to. Thank the LAWD I'm going to be in London for the next few days so I can avoid it! Whooopeee!

Anyhoo, my niece (Samantha) and my nephew (Xavier) were here for a month a little while back. And they absolutely looove my Chloe (who doesn't?). Here are some cute pics my sis took. I didn't post them all because they're a little k i d d i e p o r n ish (I typed it out like that so some weirdo wouldn't be able to do a search for that word and find my loveable nephew). Anyway, so Xavi desperately wanted to get in the tub with Chloe (who doesn't enjoy bathing almost as much as Xavi), so they did and we couldn't figure out who made the water filthier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

update ur blog already