Thursday, November 15, 2007

Not for the Faint of Heart...

So I was at work today, and this woman was toasting special bread for someone and continued to tell me about noticing that its young people that have all sorts of weird dietary needs. Young people are usually the ones who need gluten-wheat-peanut-nut-oil-free foods. She was telling me about an article she read in Businessweek that talked about how our parents took antibiotics and gave us antibiotics and all this antibacterial crap that we use like lotion is actually SERIOUSLY messing us up.

Its really actually hurting our immune system! I read another thing the other day about this scientist who predicts that in the year 3000 our immune systems will be so weak (this scientist also predicted that the human race will split in two..the good looking and the ogre uglies...we all know where my family line will end up) and essentially, medicine will have become our worst enemy.

I totally believe it. I hate taking medicina. Except for claritin. Claritin is gods gift to hives, everything else is garbage. hahha.

Anyway, I was just thinking about how sad it was that peanut butter is not even allowed in schools now since too many kids are allergic to it. What the hell? PB&J was once a staple in the playground, now its banned? thats seriously effed.

But anyway, just going on this same tangent...I was wondering if anyone had seen this article about Lakshmi, the 8-legged baby girl. She's actually really cute. She had a parasitic twin that left its limbs basically. She had surgery and now she's fine...

But check it out.

So stop antibacterializing your hands and antibiotiquing your bodies....DOES NOT DO A BODY GOOD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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