Thursday, August 23, 2007

Soopah Model.

ok so this story, i told alli...and she wanted me to post it because she thought it was funny.

unfortunately, i dont have any picties to accompany it. so in the homeland, sometimes its easier for girlies who don't look so filipino to get commercials and stuff. and my cousins are in commercials, my mom and my older sister did them...its not super uncommon. anyway, but they pay you a decent amount of dough. so my younger sister and i went for a vtr which is like a screen test.

so they do your make up for you. mind you its usually god awful. and when they did my make up, they put a GLOB of sooopah doooopah sticky lipgloss. i had about half an inch of lip gloss coating my lucious lips. anyway, so i go for this screen test. and they tell me to do all this cheesy stuff. so i just do it, talk about how my hair is so bouncy and blah blah blah.

then the ask me to face with my back towards the camera and swoosh my hair around and look over my shoulder and smile. simple enough. but I first of all am not that coordinated, so when i swoosh, i ended up looking a bit like jan brady. and then when i looked over my shoulder to give them my killer smile. i swooshed a little too much...and all my hair stuck to my lucious lippy lip gloss. mmmm. and there i was smiling like a monkey.

"umm lets try that again" says the guy behind the camera.
"and this time, try to get your face out of your hair so that we can see your pretty smile" says the lady.
in my head. ok lets do it again.

same thing.

"how about the other shoulder?" says camera man.

same thing.

"we'll call you."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but Belle Daza really looks like a beautiful filipina woman. she has all the qualities: bronzed skin, and just her face screams filipino. But wait a minute, is Belle Daza part white? (hope not)