Monday, May 21, 2007

Roma Roma Tomata..

More back blogging.

In Italy..we first arrived in Rome.
this was our first night. I didn't even know these girls yet..but we all went out that night and watched some dancing thing.

this man was dancing in his sexy spaghetti strapped tank top. and he was dancing like a MAD man and we loved him...

we found him later and took a picture with him...i said aloud..oh shit..i can smell his b.o. (which explains my facial expression)

later i found out that when bekah asked him if we could take a photograph with him he said in PERFECT english..yeah sure guys..

I WAS EMBARASSED! but i didn't care that much. whatevs. if you smell you smell.

The Vatican

This is Scuola di Atene within Raphael's room at the Vatican. Its a really amazing fresco in the room, Stanza della Segnatura. It shows the famous philosophers, scientists and mathematicians.

like my head there?

for your own edumucation.

the scraper...
greek athletes would rub olive oil on themselves and scrape it off to get the dirt off of them..yum..this particular sculpture was kind of a big deal back in the day because it actually jutted out into space (his arm)...

oh you guys didn't know? i'm teaching art history on this blog too....

just one of the magnificent hallways inside the vatican.

those Catholics...they're not cheap...lemme tell you.

a pretty interesting story. if you want to read it. check it out.

no baby elephants of note yet..but when i go to'll see some!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super thanks for posting a pic of me in my skiv's - I miss our escapades! (God, how much do you wish you were ACTUALLY single on that friggin trip? I DO TOO!) Love you.