My cousin
Romina also lives in Italy. I've known her since I was born. The most amazing artiste...She goes to the academy where the David is. She was another reason why Florence was where I wanted to go. I love her to death. (THERE YOU GO
MINS. NOW CAN I HAVE MY $20?) just kidding.
haha, its $100.
thats her on the right with her eyes closed.
argh! i didn't have one with her eyes open.

in the studio (back there behind that big piece of wood) and
rosa her
rosa smoking with her feet. she could speak a little
english, and i could speak a little italian...together...mmm we were interesting. even more so with my
roomate bekah who tried to speak to her.
OMG that was too much funny.
romina's room. she painted that mural back there.

makes me happy.
this girl is awesome...and would bike to my house in the heat of

and she just got commissioned to create a work for the city of Rome. yay mins!
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