I however, had only one man in mind...and his name....david. No no..not the current david...the one Michelangelo sculpted. haha. When i was 18..I went to Italy with my mom, sister, cousins and aunts. It was amazing. I wasn't really into art and stuff back then, but I liked it....UNTIL..i went to the Academia in Florence. I walked into the hallway where David was..and my hair stood on end. It was so incredible. I kinda knew then that I wanted to study art and go back to Italy so i can stare at him more. I mean come on....who wouldn't love this man?

ok so...after that..I wanted to study art and go back to florence. so i did...that wonderful Summer of '05, I was accepted into the Lorenzo De'Medici school (i think it probably sounds more prestigious than it actually is).

then from ROME. we took a bus (pink line) to Florence.
i moved into Via Ridolfi with 5 other girls. we had 6 girls living in a 3bedroom, 2 bathroom apt. sara and alexis took one bedroom. i had my own room (i was spoiled), rebekah and rachel took another room and alex (my little monkey) slept on the couch. it was quite an awesome house of girls...wouldn't have traded them in for anyone else.

in this photo. left to right. rachel (lived at my apt), me, jen, sara (lived at my apt), alex (lived at my apt), sonja (lived with us the last week).
VIA RIDOLFI (thanks alex..had to confirm that name)
i absolutely loved these girls...i mean...come on... look at them.
they're hospitable....
they're studious....
and they even help clean up...
it was a very very very hot summer. temperature wise.