1. is trying to have a baby (2 friends)
2. is having a baby (3 peeps)
3. just had a baby (2 peeps)
4. just got engaged (4 peeps)
5. just recently got married (3 peeps)
6. and lastly, for the wimps: is moving in with their significant other (3 including me)
Lets do some math...thats 2+3+2+4+3+3= a lot of growing up.
While all of these wonderful occasions are...wonderful...they're leaving me broke...but it's really alright because the payback is, I get to look at these wonderful blogs and pictures via facebook of these bebes and I get to go to beyond awesome weddings...and **mushy moment** i get to see my friends supah doopah happy...which is worth being broke for.
Anyway, some blogs with babies:
michellenuccio.blogspot.com that would be my godson Nico...the cutest thing EVER!
littlescullin.wordpress.com thats little Sofia who was just born last week..her mommy was once my colleague.
and..if you're up for it. this is my favorite blog:
mattlogelin.com i don't know him. He is Alexis' sister's friend's husband. Alexis' sister's friend (Liz) passed away the day giving birth, and her husband, Matt, continues this blog and tells all about his life with her and his new life with their daughter Madeline. It's an amazing blog with awesome pictures and stories of love..If I knew Oprah, i'd send her the link. It makes me cry every morning...sad and happy tears.
It's incredible. I have yet to comment on his blog and tell him that I love it...makes me want to stop nagging dave about his messy-ness and just tell him I love him...but for now, I'm still annoyed about coffee grounds and coffee mugs and overall boy-mess.
But for now, I bid you adieu (pronounced: "a Jew" in celebration of Passover)with my very own, new family picture.

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