It started on Saturday, March 15. We went to Dave's friend's birthday bash and all night long, Dave's tummy wasn't feeling too hot. He thought it was muscle pain, and just went along, celebrating Saint Patrick's day (Happy Birthday Michelle) and working as usual. Thursday, March 20, I stayed home because I had the flu and Dave came home REALLY not feeling well.
We go to Cedars Sinai at around 5pm and at 7am, Dave was wheeled into the Operating Room and lost his appendix.
He ended up having to stay in the hospital until the following Tuesday. It was very scary and sad (he was pretty helpless). But all is well now.
You can track the progression of his health by the growth of his beard.
Saturday night...

Celebrating Saint Patrick's Day

Pre-Operation. This is the first time the doctor sees him, and I'm not very aware of his pain level. This was taken about 3.2 seconds before he got very angry with me for taking photographs of him in his "gown." Like I said, I wasn't aware of his pain level.

Post-Surgery. He was working on his tri-flow which measures his lung capacity. Please forgive my eyebags, I hadn't slept very much. Although, I don't really have a good enough excuse because Dave's mom high-tailed herself to LA from Oregon in the middle of the night and still looks fabulous. So...yeah. I need my beauty sleep.

Feeling a bit better. As you can tell, it only took Dave 3 days before he was conducting business in his "gown." (I say "gown" because it's really a dress). I'd like to remind my readers to notice his beard please.

And then he was discharged. Jackie and Jacob (Dave's brother) made him this very clever shirt. He got quite a laugh in the hospital.

ok's what happened when the beard was coming off.

I'd also like to point out this similarity:

All I have to say is that Dave is an extremely lucky guy! Jacob and Jackie came to the hospital as soon as they could and Jacob was the ONLY one who never left that first night. And Dave's mom drove at 3am to Sacramento to catch the first flight to LA!