My friend Nicole Bruckman ( is in a show this weekend and at this show, there will be a painting of me. This is the painting she did of me... This is one she did before...
She's really awesome. So if you're in Venice, check out her show.
So, why baby elephants? When I was 4, my dad was going to Saudi Arabia and he wouldn't be back until the day after my 5th birthday. He always brought home presents for me whenever he left, sometimes it would be the newest crayola 72 crayon case, a new backpack, a toy, whatever, but this time, he told me to write down the TWO animals I want for my birthday.
Being a normal 4 year old, I wrote:
A baby elephant A baby giraffe
I had my own ideas of what were local animals in Saudi Arabia (my dad worked for "the yellow pages," although my sister and I firmly believe that he did something far more interesting than that).
Anyway, when my dad came home, he brought me a large box with holes in it. I opened it, and there, inside, was a baby goat. A FRIGGEN GOAT. I didn't even finish opening the box. I looked at my dad, and said "I thought it would be an elephant."
Although Billie the Goat ended up being the coolest thing ever, I can't help but feel like my life would be more complete if I had my own baby elephant.
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