Pearl Farm, Davao. For those who don't know, Davao is in Mindanao. There are 3 major islands in the Philippines (there are actually like 7,100, but there are 3 main ones) Luzon at the North, Visayas in the middle and Mindanao in th every South. The very south (is North, South, East and West capitalized? i dont know) is predominantly Muslim (Mindanao is Muslim) and they've been trying to get their independance from the rest of the country, so sometimes, they do so in violent ways...not to mention Osama Bin Laden has one of his wives living in the south. Anyway, why is this relevant? My older sister, Cathy had her wedding there this past weekend. It was stunning. gosh, my family keeps topping each other when it comes to weddings...i've decided mine will be in India. start saving up peeps.

thats denise, my sister who lives in jakarta (indonesia peeps)
i lost my hat. =(
on the island...from the left, my sister Cathy (the bride), mama dearest, and my sister Martine. We were walking to our villas....there are 7 villas each tucked away in the forest...some with the ocean as their view, and others jungle...it was amazing.
Cocktail Partay!!!
You might not remember me. I was part o the TAG Gallery show here in LA. You were working for the Ryman Prog. When I heard that you were moving. I was a little sad. I can see you are doing great and having fun with your family. I never had a chance to talk to you more. I heard that you moved to the filliphines for good. Congrats! :-(
Take care,
always the best
I hope to see you some day in the future...
hey yeastee ..ooo how exciting! your first blog! How beautiful your family is! And that hat was wonderous! but im sad too that you lost it!!
keep blogging elephant one.
tata your kissing buddy. HAHAHAHAHHA
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