Today is the beginning of Lent. I heart Lent mostly because I like the tradition and it makes me nostalgic of high school, not because of the religious aspect. I got some Ashes today for Ash Wednesday but I'm still deciding on what to give up for Lent.
I was thinking perhaps this year, I won't give anything up and I'll just do stuff. I think I might try to blog EVERY single day for 40days and 40nights. gah.
Some things I've given up during Lent:
Junior year of HS -
cursing. I had to do 15 pushups no matter WHERE I was if I cursed. This led to pushups at J. Crew.
Senior year of HS -
rice. This was tough. I really wanted sushi!
Sometime in College -
sweets. This was ruined when I ate a nutter butter and didn't think it was going to be a cookie. I thought it was more like peanut butter crackers.
maybe this year I'll stop spending unnecessary money too! Given that my Chloe is going to possibly need surgery, this might be impossible.

Can't talk about it. I might cry.
Onto funner things.

Seriously OLD family picture. My aunts are babies in this. But it's just so cute.
These are just some old cousin pics. I miss my fambam.