Monday, September 22, 2008

Autumn in Los Angeles

starts yesterday.

and this week is going to be jampacked of fun stuff.

Tuesday. Barack Obama Rama at Spaceland

all sales go to the Obamski campaign. wooo! should be pretty fun.

i'm really excited to see the bird and the bee. i love this song:

Thursday, I plan on going to a tasting with a chef from Top Chef at the grove.

Saturday, The Watts Towers Festival and Sunday, the Grand Avenue Festival!

In other news, we're having a great time exploring new breakfast places in our 'hood.

Behold...Dusty's Bistro in Silver Lake
Chloe likes to brunch too.

There's also the Nickel Diner in Downtown that my friend/carpool Talia had been raving about. Dave and I finally went and were SOOOOO happy! It's sort of next to skid row, and I may have inhaled some pepper spray intended for a bum, but it was awesome nonetheless.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I had a nightmare last night. It was so bad, I woke up screaming. It included these two images:

Laugh all you want. I was terrified.

This is what happened.

It was dark and quiet. Michael Phelps and I were in an indoor pool complex alone and he was timing my 50m backstroke (backstroke isn't one of his events). And out of nowhere, this little pint-sized toy husky comes strolling in. It was the kind that you buy on the streets of Chinatown; the kind that yapps incessantly.

But this little mechanical husky was different; his eyes were all blacked out. He came towards me, menacingly, and..well....tried to kill me.

Michael Phelps came to my rescue and wacked it, but it didn't die, it kept coming towards me! I was climbing up the walls and running from it, but it was intent on killing me. Michael Phelps splashed it with some water, it smoked, and became even more determined to get me!

I woke up gasping and screaming.

Dave threw his arm over me. Seriously. Scary.