First up...
Dave and I (and Chloe) took a Graffiti Walk in LA..along the back alleys of Melrose Ave. It was led by Steve Grody, author of Graffiti LA. Our group had a bunch of oldies that were interested in appreciating street art. They had a lot of questions, some which were interesting, some which were not, and many that were obnoxious...but all in all..I learned a ton.
CBS = Can't Be Stopped. Its apparently a pretty successful graffiti Krew in LA...
KGB = another graffiti Krew...David Arquette used to belong to it.
K2S = Gajin Fujita's former krew which was a pioneer in Los Angeles graffiti.
Graffiti originated on trains
Graffiti has no racial/social/gender boundaries....appropriate that we did that on MLK weekend...riiite? (one work that we saw actually had hebrew written on it!)
And then on Monday, we went to Santa Barbara...El Capitan Beach
It was a 5mile walk "hike" but it was far too easy to be a hike. We walked all along the coast and it was absolutely gorgeous, the water was soopah blue and the air was really crisp.
So Chloe's stick got stuck on the hill and I was trying to lasso it down with her leash which ended up getting stuck on the hill too..Dave had to climb up and get it...
what an awesome weekend.