Anywhoo....That's one of my new year's more.
This past weekend was one of the best weekends EVER! On Friday, we went to D-Land (will post pics). Saturday, I met my "little sis" of the "Big Brothers Big Sisters" organization and on Sunday, I went to trapeze lessons with my real "little sis" and also had a holiday dinner at home!
I will post pictures asap because frankly, the trapeze lesson pictures are too amazing NOT to share! Just a taste...

I basically just wanted to write something, just to write something...and marvel at my awesome accomplishments this weekend.
1. got on a trapeze
2. roasted a WHOLE chicken perfectly!
3. enrolled myself in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program and sucessfully acquired myself a "Little Sister."
4. finished Christmas shopping and wrapping over 30 presents. (I can't really count how many, it takes too much effort)
More to come later!